Shuttle parking or shuttle parking

How many times when see these names we have asked ourselves what it is, what is this type of parking or what it means And you will not believe us, if we tell you that you have probably already used it … Do you want to discover it? Well do not miss our post today, which we tell you about this type of parking.

The shuttle or shuttle parking is the most used type of parking when we go on a trip And it is just the process of leaving the car in a parking lot and then taking a bus that takes us directly to the airport.

Today it is so common and demanded that most airports around the world have this service. Here in Spain, you can get it at the main airports such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Ibiza or Alicante.

It is a very practical and economical service, when it is time to make a trip and have to use our car to get to the airport. It consists of making the transfer by shuttle bus from the parking door to the airport door and vice versa.

It also has many advantages such as:
Economic service
Have the car in a safe place.
When you return from the trip, you can return home in your car.
The journey between parking and the airport is quite short and fast.
Have a bus at the door of the parking lot and the airport, not having to walk a long journey with luggage

This type of service works as follows:

* Make the reservation: many of the parking lots that offer this service, give you the option to make the reservation through its website and in other cases you can access it by communicating it when you are in the parking lot.

* Take the car to the parking lot: you will only have to drive the car to the parking lot and once there, go to the exit door where the shuttle bus will be.

* Take the bus one way: once at the parking door, check with the staff about the bus schedules and take the one that best suits your flight departure That bus will take you from the parking lot to the airport gate in about 4-5 minutes In this way, you make sure you lose very little time on the way.

* Take the bus on the way back: once you return from the trip, you will have to go to the exit door of the airport where the shuttle bus will take you back to the parking lot and thus be able to take your car, to return home.

So you know, the next time you should travel for business or pleasure; Keep in mind that you have the option to use the shuttle or shuttle parking!

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