Waiting time between flights

Whenever we make a trip and we have to stop before arriving at the final destination or have any connection we ask ourselves the following questions:
Will I have time to catch my next flight?
What is the minimum stop over time to not lose my connecting flight? How many minutes do I have between one flight and another?

The answers to all these questions, depends on many variables such as airports, airlines, destination flights or times of stopover.

The 3 main factors that influence are:
* Scales: the times between scales are very variable, can range from 30 minutes to 24 hours. Depending on the countries or cities from which to leave or where to arrive.

* Airlines: when making the connections between flight and flight, they usually take into account the minimum time necessary to do it according to the different airports and always looking for travelers arriving on time to their next flight.

* Airport: each of them, according to its characteristics, has different connection times. It can vary in many cases, if it is done in the same terminal or if you must go to a different one, for transfer issues. The information of these times, is usually placed on screens or posters at the airport.

At some point there will be an opportunity for those estimated times to fail and you may lose the plane or connection. So it is extremely important, every minute you have.

That is why today we give you some tips when traveling with flights of scale or connection and be prepared, in case you are presented with any of these cases.

1- Whenever you can, try to travel with the same company. In this way if there is any delay in the first flight, you will be less likely to miss the second flight and then you will not have to check the luggage again as it is the same company.

2- If you have several flights and they are with different companies, if possible avoid carrying a lot of luggage and so you will not have to check again on each flight.

3- When you go to buy the tickets, if possible, avoid that the stopovers should be made at the airports with the highest number of passengers

4- Always check in online, either on your computer or mobile. This will avoid wasting time at the airport counters and long queues.

5- At all times, carry your personal and travel documents at hand; such as the ID, boarding pass, passport and others that may be necessary for flights or travel.

6- Get all the possible information, about how is the airport where you stop. Especially the distances and times it takes, when taking a connecting train, passing several controls, customs or terminal changes. You will usually get all these data on the airport website, consulting at the information booth, asking the crew of the plane or on the screens inside the airport.

7- Buy seats in the first rows or in the aisles, so that you can be among the first to go down. This especially without long-distance flights or with more than 100 passengers.

8- Always be aware of the signs or information screens inside the airport. This in case there are changes in flights, departure times and so you can know the boarding gate of the connections; so you can sign up to the site as quickly as possible.

You know the next time you travel, follow these tips and save as much time!

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